Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Be Spontaneous- JUST GO!

What is more interesting than being spontaneous? If you tired of your daily hectic office routine, why don’t try this sometimes. Feeling so bored and you have a weekend in front of you, grab this chance to explore new things.

What you can do:
Check your local area news, whether there are some art venues or exhibition in your city. I am living in Perth now, usually every month there will be some art exhibitions in the CBD. You might find that the museum exhibiting new interesting stuffs like ancient Egyptian relics etc.

If not just strolled along your CBD shopping centre. If you are not up for shopping, then you could just enjoy the local musician’s plays their instruments.

Walking or jogging around the parks is the other options

Check about some sports that you want to do, but you seem don’t have time for it. If you are thinking to learn kite surfing or just kayaking in your local river, then do it now. It is the time to make dream come true.

Take a two days vacation to out of town, or if you don’t have a car, use the public transport. Think that as a challenge, when you have done it, you will feel a sense of accomplishment

If out of town is not too appealing to you, try to get out of the country. Well, it may be out of budget. But if you have more money in your pocket, why don’t u try it. It is fun to think that you’ll have a breakfast in your home, but you’ll have dinner in delicious hawkers selling fried kuetiow in somewhere in Penang.

Being that spontaneous is easy with technology we have today. When your information is in your finger tips, you can get the information easily. You can check your flight or bus schedule with internet. The main things of this idea is DON’T PLAN! IF YOU FEELING LIKE DOING IT – THEN JUST DO IT!

Cheers from Down Under


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